Every year, women spend over $10 billion in handbags stores. Some women prefer to stick to a couple of practical and versatile handbags. Others build entire collections and organize
When did you fall in love with jewelry and started visiting jewelry stores? It was as early as the 1600s when George Eliot’s Spanish Gipsy, Fedalma, noticed that
Would you like to look at your best every day and keep your wardrobe aligned with this year’s trends? Are clothing stores your go-to solution whenever you feel
Do you know what women want to receive on Mother’s Day? We did the research for you. Statistic Brain reports that nearly 25% of women want gift certificates
[Post-game Edit: Unfortunately, they didn’t win. But the below items still make great gifts – for birthdays, Father’s Days, Mother’s Days, Christmas, and other special events. True fans
According to a survey on gifts’ popularity in the USA, gift cards and toys are two most favored gifts across all income levels in the country. If, however,
[Last updated: September 15, 2018] “Women now drive the world economy’ — so started a paper once published in the Harvard Business Review (HBS) — and rightfully so.
Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 || See also our 2018 ranking of the 10 Luxury Watch Brands here A recent World Watch Report indicated a growth of the luxury