About Us

TenPicks.com is owned and operated by Clever Technologies LLC, a Delaware-based company dedicated to adding value both for buyers, and for brands. At this particular website we put together collections of hand-picked and ranked lists (of popular products and services) to help buyers make more educated shopping decisions. We hope you will find them of help, and welcome your own comments, and participation. Enjoy our lists!


In compliance with the FTC’s guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials, we want to bring it to your attention that while our rankings are always based on third-party authoritative sources (which we always refer to), there are often material connections between our website and the merchants whose products we feature with “Buy Now”, “Details” or other similar links (namely, we are being paid a commission should you decide to purchase their product/service). While, as mentioned in the foregoing, the amount of the commission has no influence on the rankings themself, we do want to be clear on this part. Of course, your purchases will be appreciated (as they’ll keep our service going), but rest assured that we are strongly committed to being as objective (our rankings) as only possible, always looking out for the best interest of the end consumer.