The World’s Ten Best Cigars and Sources

The cigar world is a realm of luxury, tradition, and craftsmanship that captivates enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Embarking on a journey to discover the ten best cigars globally is not merely about the smoke. It’s an exploration of culture, history, and artistry. Each cigar tells a story. From the hands that roll it to the leaves that flavor it, it offers a sensory experience that is both timeless and unique.

For the cigar aficionado, the pursuit of the perfect smoke is an ongoing quest. The allure lies in the variety and the subtle complexities that each cigar presents. Whether you’re drawn to the rich, bold flavors of a Maduro wrapper or the smooth, creamy notes of a Connecticut Shade, the world of cigars offers something for every palate. It’s about savoring the moment, enjoying the craftsmanship, and appreciating the intricate blend of tobacco.

Diving into the top cigars is a journey that requires more than just a taste for tobacco. It demands an understanding of the factors that elevate a cigar from good to extraordinary. This includes the flavor profile, the meticulous construction, and the origin of the tobacco itself. Handmade cigars, often considered the pinnacle of quality, showcase the dedication and skill of their makers, with each one being a crafted cigar masterpiece.

The Dominican Republic and Nicaragua are renowned for producing some of the finest cigars in the world. The rich soils and ideal climates contribute to the distinctive flavors found in cigars from these regions. From the smooth elegance of Montecristo White to the robust character of Rocky Patel cigars, these cigar brands have earned their place among the elite.

But what sets the top cigars apart?

It’s the ability to balance tradition with innovation, offering a smoke that is both familiar and surprising. Brands like Arturo Fuente and Padrón Cigars have mastered this art, creating cigars that are celebrated by enthusiasts worldwide. Their commitment to quality and consistency ensures that each cigar delivers an unforgettable experience.

As we delve deeper into the selection of the world’s best cigars, it’s essential to consider the role of the cigar company behind each blend. These companies are not just manufacturers. They are curators of tradition and pioneers of new techniques. From the La Flor Dominicana to the innovative blends of Drew Estates, these companies shape the landscape of the cigar industry. They introduce new generations to the pleasures of fine cigars.

For those who are new to this world, the journey begins with understanding the nuances of cigar selection. It’s about recognizing the top-rated cigars and appreciating the craftsmanship involved in their creation. Whether you’re drawn to the classic allure of a Cuban cigar or the modern innovations of brands like Roma craft cigars, the world of cigars offers endless possibilities for exploration.

As we prepare to explore the specific cigars that exemplify these qualities, consider this: what makes a cigar truly exceptional? Is it the flavor that lingers on your palate, the construction that ensures a perfect draw, or the story behind its creation? Join us as we uncover the secrets behind the art of selecting a premium cigar, where each puff is a step into a world of elegance and sophistication.

choosing the best cigars

The Art of Selecting a Premium Cigar

Choosing a premium cigar is an art form. It involves understanding various elements that contribute to a cigar’s quality. For the cigar aficionado, it’s not just about the smoke. It’s about the experience, the craftsmanship, and the rich heritage each cigar embodies. Whether you’re drawn to the flavorful cigars of the Dominican Republic or the robust notes of Nicaraguan tobaccos, knowing what to look for can elevate your cigar journey.

Understanding Flavor Profiles

A cigar’s flavor profile is its defining characteristic. It encompasses the taste, aroma, and overall sensory experience. Cigars can range from mild cigars with delicate, creamy notes to bold, full-bodied smokes with hints of spices and earthiness. For instance, a Connecticut Shade wrapper offers a smooth and creamy experience, ideal for those who prefer a lighter smoke. In contrast, a Maduro wrapper brings a richer, more intense flavor, often with notes of chocolate and coffee.

Consider cigars like the Perdomo Reserve Champagne, known for its subtle sweetness and creamy finish, or the Rocky Patel Cigar, which offers a complex blend of spices and cedar. The key is to identify what flavors resonate with your palate and seek out cigars that deliver those experiences.

Construction and Craftsmanship

The construction of a cigar is a testament to its quality. Handmade cigars are crafted by skilled artisans who meticulously roll each cigar to ensure a perfect draw and even burn. The construction affects how the cigar smokes, influencing everything from the draw to the ash. A well-constructed cigar will have a firm feel, uniform shape, and a cap that is expertly applied.

Brands like Arturo Fuente and Padrón Cigars are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship. Their cigars are often considered top-rated cigars due to their consistent quality and attention to detail. The Arturo Fuente Cigar, for example, is celebrated for its impeccable construction and balanced flavor, making it a staple in any cigar collection.

Origins and Varieties

The origin of a cigar plays a significant role in its flavor and character. The Dominican Republic and Nicaragua are two of the most prominent regions known for producing high-quality cigars. The rich soils and ideal climates contribute to the unique flavors found in cigars from these areas. For instance, Dominican tobacco is often associated with smooth, aromatic cigars. Nicaraguan tobaccos are known for their bold, spicy profiles.

Exploring cigars from different regions can open up a world of flavors and experiences. Consider trying a Montecristo White for its creamy, elegant notes or a La Flor Dominicana for a more robust, peppery smoke. Each region offers something unique, allowing you to tailor your cigar selection to your personal preferences.

As you delve into the world of premium cigars, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. The selection process is an opportunity to explore new flavors, discover new favorites, and appreciate the artistry behind each cigar. But what cigars truly exemplify these qualities? Join us as we unveil the top cigars that every cigar aficionado should experience, where tradition meets innovation, and every puff tells a story.

best cigars

Ten Best Cigars: A Connoisseur’s Choice

Embarking on a journey through the cigar world is akin to stepping into a gallery of exquisite art. Each cigar is a masterpiece, crafted with precision and passion. For the cigar aficionado, the quest for the top-rated cigars is a pursuit of excellence, where the smoke is as much about the experience as it is about the flavor. Here, we unveil the top 10 cigars that have captured the hearts of enthusiasts worldwide, each one a testament to the artistry and dedication of its makers.

1. Cohiba Behike

The Cohiba Behike stands as a symbol of luxury and exclusivity. Originating from Cuba, this cigar is revered for its complex flavor profile, offering a symphony of cedar, leather, and a hint of spice. Its impeccable construction ensures a smooth draw and even burn, making it a staple for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

2. Arturo Fuente Opus X

The Arturo Fuente Opus X is a legend in its own right. Crafted in the Dominican Republic, it is celebrated for its rich, full-bodied flavor, with notes of pepper, leather, and a subtle sweetness. The Opus X is a masterpiece of handmade cigars, showcasing the Fuente family’s commitment to quality and innovation.

3. Padron 1964 Anniversary Series

The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series is a tribute to tradition and craftsmanship. This Nicaraguan gem offers a complex blend of cocoa, coffee, and earthy undertones, wrapped in a Maduro wrapper that enhances its robust character. It’s a cigar that invites you to savor each moment, a true celebration of flavor and heritage.

4. Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour

Elegance and sophistication define the Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour. Infused with whiskey barrel-aged tobacco, this cigar delivers a unique experience with notes of dark chocolate, roasted coffee, and a touch of sweetness. Its flawless construction and rich aroma make it a top choice for connoisseurs seeking a refined smoke.

5. Montecristo No. 2

The Montecristo No. 2 is a classic Cuban cigar known for its balanced flavor and smooth draw. With hints of spice, wood, and a creamy finish, it exemplifies the art of cigar-making at its finest. This cigar is a must-try for anyone exploring the world of premium cigars.

6. Partagas Serie D No. 4

The Partagas Serie D No. 4 offers a bold and rich smoking experience. Its robust flavor profile, featuring earthy and peppery notes, makes it a favorite among seasoned smokers. This Cuban cigar is celebrated for its consistency and depth, providing a satisfying smoke every time.

7. Romeo y Julieta Short Churchill

The Romeo y Julieta Short Churchill is a delightful blend of tradition and flavor. With its medium-bodied profile, it offers a harmonious mix of cedar, nuts, and a touch of sweetness. This cigar is perfect for those who appreciate a well-rounded and smooth smoke.

8. Ashton VSG

The Ashton VSG is a testament to the art of blending. Grown in Ecuador, its sun-grown wrapper envelops a rich blend of Dominican tobacco, delivering a full-bodied experience with notes of espresso, spice, and a hint of sweetness. It’s a crafted cigar that promises to captivate the senses.

9. Liga Privada No. 9

The Liga Privada No. 9 is a powerhouse of flavor and complexity. Produced by Drew Estates, this cigar features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a blend of seven different tobaccos. It offers a rich, earthy profile with notes of chocolate and espresso, making it a top choice for those seeking a bold smoke.

10. La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull

The La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull is a unique and innovative cigar that has gained a cult following. Its full-bodied profile, with notes of leather, pepper, and a touch of sweetness, offers a complex and satisfying experience. This cigar is a true representation of the creativity and craftsmanship of the La Flor Dominicana brand.

These cigars are more than just a smoke; they are an invitation to explore the depths of flavor and the heights of craftsmanship. Whether you’re drawn to the boldness of the Arturo Fuente or the elegance of the Montecristo No. 2, each cigar offers a unique journey.

Ready to experience these top cigars? Dive into the world of cigar lounges or explore online options to indulge in these masterpieces. Next, we’ll delve into the experience of enjoying these cigars in the luxurious ambiance of a cigar lounge. There, the atmosphere is as rich as the cigars themselves.


Exploring Cigar Lounges

Stepping into a cigar lounge is like entering a sanctuary dedicated to the art of relaxation and indulgence. These lounges offer more than just a place to smoke; they provide an atmosphere where aficionados can savor the nuances of their favorite cigars, surrounded by a community of like-minded enthusiasts. The allure of a cigar lounge lies in its ability to transform a simple smoking session into a rich tapestry of experiences where the ambiance and camaraderie enhance every puff.

The Lounge Experience

The experience of enjoying cigars in a lounge is unparalleled. Picture this: plush leather chairs, dim lighting, and the gentle hum of conversation. The air is filled with the rich aroma of handmade cigars, each one a masterpiece crafted from the finest Dominican tobacco or Nicaraguan tobacco. These lounges often boast a curated selection of top-rated cigars, from the esteemed Arturo Fuente to the bold offerings of Rocky Patel Cigars. It’s a space where time seems to slow down, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment.

Cigar lounges cater to both seasoned smokers and newcomers alike. Whether you’re a cigar aficionado with a penchant for the robust flavors of a Maduro wrapper or someone exploring the smooth elegance of a Connecticut Toro, there’s something for everyone. The knowledgeable staff are often on hand to guide you through their collection, offering recommendations based on your preferences and introducing you to new and exciting blends.

Popular Lounges in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, a city synonymous with luxury and entertainment, is home to some of the most renowned cigar lounges in the world. These establishments are not just about smoking; they’re about creating an unforgettable experience. Take, for example, the sophisticated elegance of Casa Fuente, nestled within the iconic Caesars Palace. Known for its exclusive selection of Arturo Fuente cigars, this lounge offers a taste of opulence with every draw.

Then there’s the vibrant atmosphere of Montecristo Cigar Bar, where the fusion of classic and contemporary design creates a captivating setting. Here, you can indulge in a Montecristo White or explore the depths of a La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull, all while enjoying expertly crafted cocktails that complement the cigars’ flavor profile. These lounges are more than just venues; they’re destinations where the cigar world comes alive.

For those who prefer a more intimate setting, Las Vegas also offers hidden gems like the Rhumbar at The Mirage. This outdoor lounge combines the allure of cigars with the charm of tropical cocktails, providing a unique experience under the stars. It’s a place where you can unwind and connect with fellow cigar enthusiasts, sharing stories and recommendations in a relaxed and inviting environment.

What If you prefer the comfort of your own home?

Not every cigar lover has the luxury of visiting a lounge regularly. That’s where cigar subscriptions and monthly clubs come into play. These services bring the world of premium cigars directly to your doorstep, offering a curated selection that rivals even the most exclusive lounges. Imagine receiving a monthly delivery of rare and sought-after cigars, each one a new adventure waiting to be discovered.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the benefits of cigar subscriptions and how they can serve as a gateway to experiencing the finest cigars without leaving your home. Whether you’re looking to expand your collection or searching for the perfect gift sets for a fellow cigar lover, these subscriptions offer a world of possibilities. So, are you ready to explore the convenience and excitement of cigar subscriptions? Let’s dive into the next chapter of your cigar journey and discover how these services can elevate your smoking experience to new heights.

Cigar Subscriptions: A Gateway to Premium Cigars

For those who cherish the art of cigar smoking, a premium cigar is more than just a leisure activity—it’s a journey into a world of flavors and craftsmanship. But how can one consistently access the finest cigars without the prohibitive costs often associated with luxury brands? Enter the realm of cigar subscriptions, a modern solution that brings the best of the cigar world directly to your doorstep.

The Benefits of Cigar Subscriptions

Cigar subscriptions are a boon for both seasoned cigar aficionados and curious newcomers. These services offer an affordable way to explore a diverse range of top-rated cigars from around the globe. Imagine receiving a curated selection of cigars each month, featuring renowned names like Arturo Fuente and Padron Cigars, alongside hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

One of the key advantages of cigar subscriptions is the access to exclusive and rare cigars, often unavailable in local shops. For instance, you might find a Montecristo White or a Perdomo Reserve Champagne nestled within your monthly delivery, allowing you to experience the rich tapestry of flavors these cigars offer. This variety not only expands your palate but also enhances your appreciation for the intricate art of cigar making.

Moreover, subscriptions often include detailed tasting notes and pairing suggestions, enriching your smoking experience. Whether you’re enjoying a Maduro wrapper or a Connecticut Toro, these insights help you savor each puff, transforming a simple smoke into a sensory journey.

Gift Sets for Cigar Lovers

Cigar subscriptions also make for exceptional cigar gifts. Imagine gifting a friend or loved one a subscription that introduces them to the world of handmade cigars crafted from the finest Dominican tobacco or Nicaraguan tobacco. It’s a thoughtful gesture that keeps on giving, month after month, allowing the recipient to explore new flavors and brands.

Additionally, many subscription services offer specialized gift sets, perfect for special occasions. These sets might include a selection of cigars from top cigars brands like Rocky Patel or Drew Estates, paired with accessories such as cutters or humidors. Such gifts are ideal for both novice smokers and seasoned enthusiasts, providing everything needed to enjoy a premium smoking experience.

With the convenience and variety that cigar subscriptions offer, they serve as a gateway to the luxurious world of cigars. Whether you’re indulging in a Roma Craft or exploring the bold flavors of a La Flor Dominicana, these services ensure that you always have access to high-quality cigars without breaking the bank.

But the journey doesn’t end here. To truly elevate your cigar experience, consider the art of pairing cigars with drinks. Imagine the harmony of a rich Acid Kuba Kuba with a well-aged whiskey or the delicate balance of a Julieta Reserva Real with a fine wine. How do these pairings enhance the flavors and aromas of your favorite cigars? Let’s explore this intriguing aspect in the next part of our journey, where we’ll uncover the secrets to perfect pairings and discover how they can transform your smoking experience into a symphony of flavors.

cigar pairing

Pairing Cigars with Drinks

The art of pairing cigars with drinks is an exploration of flavors that enhances the smoking experience, transforming it into a multisensory journey. For the cigar aficionado, this is an opportunity to elevate the enjoyment of a premium cigar by matching it with a complementary beverage. Whether you prefer the boldness of a maduro wrapper or the subtlety of a connecticut shade, the right drink can accentuate the nuances of your cigar, creating a harmonious balance that delights the senses.

Whiskey and Cigars

Whiskey and cigars share a natural affinity, both offering rich, layered flavors that can enhance each other. A robust cigar like the Arturo Fuente Opus X pairs beautifully with a peaty Scotch, where the smoky notes of the whiskey complement the cigar’s spicy profile. For those who enjoy a milder smoke, a Montecristo White can be paired with a smooth Bourbon, highlighting its creamy texture and subtle sweetness. The interplay between the cigar’s aroma and the whiskey’s warmth creates an experience that is both invigorating and comforting.

Wine and Cigars

Wine offers a diverse range of flavors that can be matched with cigars to create unique combinations. A full-bodied red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon, pairs well with a cigar featuring Nicaraguan tobaccos, like the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series. The wine’s tannins and the cigar’s earthy notes create a powerful synergy. On the other hand, a crisp white wine, like a Chardonnay, can complement a Connecticut Toro, enhancing its smooth and creamy characteristics. This pairing is ideal for those who prefer a lighter, more refreshing experience.

Coffee and Cigars

For many, the combination of coffee and cigars is a morning ritual that awakens the senses. The rich, roasted flavors of coffee can amplify the notes found in cigars, particularly those with a Maduro wrapper. A strong espresso pairs excellently with a cigar like the La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull, where the bold flavors of both create a robust and satisfying experience. Alternatively, a mild cigar, such as the Perdomo Reserve Champagne, can be paired with a creamy latte, offering a gentle start to the day with its smooth, sweet finish.

Exploring different pairings allows you to discover new dimensions in the cigar world. Whether you’re savoring a Rocky Patel Cigar with a fine wine or enjoying a Drew Estates with a craft beer, each combination offers a unique perspective on the flavors and aromas of your chosen cigar. This journey of discovery is one that invites creativity and personal preference, as there are no strict rules—only endless possibilities.

The Secrets of Pairing Cigars with Drinks

As you experiment with pairings, consider the flavor profiles of both the cigar and the drink. A Maduro wrapper may enhance the rich, caramel notes in a dark rum, while a Connecticut shade might bring out the floral notes in a gin and tonic. The key is to find balance, where neither the cigar nor the drink overpowers the other, but instead, they complement each other in a symphony of taste.

Ready to embark on this flavorful adventure? Start by selecting a few of your favorite cigars and pairing them with drinks that intrigue you. Take notes on the combinations that work best, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new pairings. This is a personal journey, one that allows you to explore the depths of your palate and discover the perfect match.

As you delve deeper into the art of pairing, you’ll find that each combination tells a story, revealing new facets of both the cigar and the drink. It’s an exploration that is as much about enjoyment as it is about discovery, offering a richer, more immersive experience.

So, how do you find your perfect pairing?

It’s all about experimentation and personal taste. Try different combinations, and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. The world of cigars and drinks is vast and varied, offering endless opportunities to explore and enjoy.

As you continue to refine your preferences, remember that the joy of pairing cigars with drinks lies in the journey itself. It’s about savoring each moment, appreciating the craftsmanship that goes into both the cigar and the beverage, and sharing these experiences with fellow enthusiasts.

How will you elevate your cigar experience today? Perhaps it’s time to explore the next chapter in your cigar journey, where we’ll delve into the nuances of cigar etiquette—ensuring you enjoy your cigars with style and confidence. Let’s continue this exploration and uncover the secrets of smoking with sophistication.

cigar etiquette

Cigar Etiquette for Beginners

Entering the cigar world can be an exciting journey filled with rich flavors and timeless traditions. However, for those new to this luxurious pastime, understanding proper cigar etiquette is essential. This guide will walk you through the basics, ensuring you enjoy your cigars with style and sophistication, whether you’re indulging in a double corona or a petit corona.

Cutting and Lighting

The first step in enjoying a cigar is mastering the cut. A clean cut is crucial for a smooth draw and an even burn. Use a sharp cutter to remove the cap from the head of the cigar, aiming for a precise cut that leaves a small opening. Avoid cutting too much, as this can unravel the cigar, especially with delicate wrappers like the Connecticut shade or Ecuadorian Connecticut.

Lighting a cigar is an art in itself. Opt for wooden matches or a butane lighter to avoid altering the flavor profile with unwanted chemical tastes. Hold the flame just below the foot of the cigar and rotate it to ensure an even light. Puff gently as you light, allowing the foot to glow evenly. This careful approach is crucial, especially for handmade cigars like the Arturo Fuente or La Flor Dominicana, where construction and flavor are paramount.

Smoking with Style

Once your cigar is lit, it’s time to savor the experience. Take slow, deliberate puffs to fully appreciate the complex flavors, whether you’re enjoying a Rocky Patel Cigar or a Perdomo Reserve Champagne. Allow the smoke to linger in your mouth before exhaling, letting the aromas develop and unfold.

Remember, cigars are meant to be savored, not inhaled. This is not only for the enjoyment of the flavors but also for your health. A cigar aficionado knows that patience is key, allowing the cigar to rest between puffs to prevent overheating, which can lead to harshness.

As you smoke, the ash will naturally form. Let it grow to about an inch before gently tapping it off into an ashtray. This not only maintains the cigar’s integrity but also prevents unwanted ash from falling unexpectedly.

Storing Your Cigars

Proper storage is vital for preserving the quality of your cigars. A humidor is essential, maintaining the ideal humidity levels to keep cigars fresh and flavorful. Whether you’re storing a Maduro wrapper or a Connecticut toro, aim for a humidity level of around 70% and a temperature of about 70°F (21°C).

Organize your cigars by cigar brands or flavorful cigars to easily find your preferred smoke. Consider investing in a digital hygrometer to accurately monitor conditions, ensuring your collection remains in peak condition. This is especially important for premium selections like Padrón Cigars or Davidoff Cigars, where every detail contributes to the smoking experience.

For those who enjoy a variety of cigars, a cigar sampler can be an excellent way to explore different flavors and brands. This not only diversifies your collection but also enhances your understanding of what makes a cigar truly exceptional.

Now that you have a grasp of basic cigar etiquette, you’re ready to delve deeper into the world of cigars. But remember, the journey doesn’t end here. The true art of cigar enjoyment lies in the exploration and discovery of new experiences. How will you continue your journey? Perhaps it’s time to explore the world of cigar gifts and premium subscriptions, offering a gateway to rare and exquisite cigars.

Make the Most of Your Cigar Journey with

The world of cigars is a fascinating tapestry woven with rich traditions, diverse flavors, and unparalleled craftsmanship. As you stand at the threshold of this journey, it’s essential to remember that each cigar is more than just a smoke—it’s a crafted cigar that tells a story. From the lush fields of the Dominican Republic to the innovative blends of Drew Estates, the journey through the cigar world invites you to explore, savor, and discover.

As you embark on your journey, remember the importance of proper cigar etiquette. From the art of cutting and lighting to the nuances of storing your cigars, these practices ensure that each smoke is as enjoyable as the last. Whether you’re indulging in a double robusto or a petit corona, these small details contribute significantly to your overall experience.

As you delve deeper, consider the convenience and variety offered by cigar subscriptions. Services like the Cigar of the Month Club provide an excellent opportunity to explore top cigar brands without breaking the bank. They offer curated selections that bring the best of the cigar world to your doorstep.

cigar of the month club

Why the Cigar of the Month Club?

Imagine receiving a monthly package filled with rare and exquisite cigars, each one a new adventure waiting to be discovered. It’s an ideal way to expand your palate without breaking the bank, making it a perfect option for both personal indulgence and thoughtful cigar gifts.

We chose the Cigar of the Month Club because they take the curation process seriously. The 9 members of their Cigar Rating Panel smoke over 200 cigars every week, basing their selection on construction, aroma, flavor profile, appearance, and smoke volume. Only 5% or less of the cigars they try make the cut.

Each shipment is accompanied by a monthly newsletter covering detailed cigar maker profiles, cigar specifications, tasting notes, and pairing suggestions. Therefore, you’ll receive not only the best products but also the education needed to fully enjoy and refine your cigar journey.

Variety is another reason why we chose this club. They provide two membership options:

1. Original Premium Cigar Club™ – Five handmade premium cigars, the club’s most popular features in over 25 years, from famous, luxury manufacturers in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras, covering different tobacco blends, shapes, and sizes.

2. Rare Cigar Club™ – Four rare, handmade, small-batch cigars made from aged tobaccos of the highest quality by the world’s top manufacturers.

Best Cigars – Gifts and Treats for Christmas and Beyondbest cigars

For example, in December, members receive premium cigars like:

  • Caldwell Blind Man’s Bluff Maduro Robusto
  • Cuba Libre One The Brute
  • Bahia Brazil Torpedo
  • CAO Flathead V770 Big Block
  • Baccarat Rothschild Available
  • Romeo y Julieta Aniversario Connecticut Toro Available
  • La Herencia Cubana CORE Belicoso

We’re most intrigued by the two cigars custom-created for’s 30th anniversary:

  1. 30-Year Aniversario Connecticut Figurado: Agustín García blended it to be an amplified La Gloria Cubana’s 91-rated, Serie R Estelí and Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Honored. We’re talking about a massive figurado with a powerful blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers grown in the regions of Estelí, Jalapa, and Condega, secured with a premium quality Nicaragua Cameroon leaf wrapper.
  2. 30-Year Aniversario San Andrés Churchill Gordo: It’s blended by Yuri Guillen in El Credito, the legendary Dominican Republic factory, the oldest true handmade cigars boutique factory in the world. We’re talking about a hefty, 7” x 56 Vitola sitting heavy in the hand and delivering bold, powerful, complex flavors, in modest medium-bodied strength.

Reorders and Personalization

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